Extending information,resources and links on renewable energy and energy conservation for Canadian farmers, agri-business and those who support them in order to enhance their ability to make sound and successful business decisions.

Monday, October 4, 2010

OFA: Give Farmers More Power

There is some interesting statistics and information about hydro rates in Ontario in an article from Don McCabe, V.P. Ontario Federation of Agriculture. It also outlines some of the programs OFA have fought hard to maintain for the benefit of Ontario farmers.

For you producers outside Ontario - it may be interesting to compare.

See: www.farms.com/FarmsPages/Commentary/DetailCommentary/tabid/192/Default.aspx?NewsId=34511

So long for now,
Julie Harlow

Monday, September 27, 2010

Research results - not just for libraries anymore

I've often asked myself: what happens to the results of research? I've imagined that much of it ends up in storage somewhere never to be applied, valued or seen again.

I have new hope since researching today's blog (previously on solar projects in ON and now on research search engines). I found a site that presented research, articles, and other information documents on a broad range of topics.

Try it out at www.highbeam.com/help/membersOptions.hbr

This is a fee for service site, so I am still on the lookout for a similar free site.

So long for now,
Julie Harlow

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Let's all have a FIT or should we?

I was reading about Alberta and their plans to develop a Feed in Tariff system for renewable energy similar to that currently in place in Ontario. Talk about paradigm shift from a petroleum rich region. How will they justify an increase of 4-5 times current energy costs to taxpayers?

Some are saying that at least it is locked in, so that we will be able to depend on a constant price. So 4-5 times current costs for the next 20 years. Wait a minute...

For more see: www.edmontonjournal.com/technology/Wind+power+expert+urges+incentives+producers/3566426/story.html

So long for now,

Julie Harlow

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Action and Reaction

I am having trouble committing to blogging. I've been at it for almost 9 months with very little response. I know my marketing plan is seriously lacking, so in many ways, I'm not surprised at the response. Frequency has also been a challenge. Last but not least I'm targeting producers with an energy conservation/renewable energy focus that read blogs (does that sound like you?). But still the experts have told me "if you blog they will come." So experts I'm going to test your theory.

I hope to appeal to Canadian producers and those who support them. I'll present information, analysis and perspective on conservation and renewable energy - five days per week. My goals are information and experience sharing and network building.

Do you have information on conservation and renewable energy that is of value to others? Please share.

So long for now,

Julie Harlow

P.S. Looking for links on renewable energy research? Try http://www.biobasednews.come/

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Sharing about Conservation

I recieved a comment from a producer about sharing conservation information. I found his comments in-line with a theory I have - that producers want to share information to keep moving forward with energy conservation.

This producer commented on an article posted by the Canadian Farm Business Management Council on their website. See www.farmcentre.com/Features/ScienceInnovation/ to read more.

So long for now,
Julie Harlow

Friday, August 27, 2010

Renewable energy at the Outdoor Farm Show

If you are interested in learning more about anaerobic digestion and how it may fit into your operation, I would suggest a visit to the Canadian Outdoor Farm Show running from Sept 14-16 just outside Woodstock.

This year many parts of the industry have collaborated to demonstrate the potential fit to Ontario agriculture.

I'm also attending to hear some perspective on our solar industry due to the proposed changes to the feed in tariff system as well as wind due to rising community concerns when projects occur locally. Another thing that is on my radar is the potential outcomes of biomass research currently underway...

For more info on the show go to http://www.outdoorfarmshow.com/

So long for now,
Julie Harlow

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Solar Power for the Rich?

I'm pretty sure the "richest" anything is beyond my means. Richest is how I once heard the green energy act FIT system described in a U.S. publication -more specifically, the "richest incentive" program for green energy of any jurisdiction including Germany.

So OPA's announcement that they are reducing the FIT rate of ground mounted solar energy installations was somewhat comforting. I do feel bad for the 11,000 applicants that are affected by this 27% reduction. So this begs the question - what were they thinking??? I realize they have an objective of taking coal power off-line by 2012 - but at any cost?

What do you think?

Monday, July 26, 2010

Let's Make Conservation Sexy

I was reading about "grassoline" this morning and it really intrigued me. Grassoline referred to the ethanol resulting from cellulosic fermentation of switchgrass. This is typical of the information I come across on renewable energy - it is smart, interesting and compelling - it really grabs you.

Information on energy conservation and efficiency...well not so much. This information is often technical, detailed, and hard to digest. An engineer friend of mine said that conservation just isn't sexy - and I agree, we are almost programmed to consume to reflect our prosperity and rich is sexy. How can we change our view on conservation?

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I've enjoyed a brief blogging hiatus, now I'm back and ready to jump into some meaty topics starting with the OPA's microFIT program announcement of a new price category for ground mounted solar projects of $.588/kWh.

The OPA received over 16,000 applications under the first version of the program which categorized roof and solar mounted projects together proposing $.802/kWh.

It seems like a damned if you do damned if you don't situation with overwhelming application response potentially resulting in expensive power for the next 20 years.

I'm glad to see the OPA reposition the program before they get any deeper, but I'll bet the solar industry in Ontario is hopping mad - too bad we couldn't harness that energy to heat and light a few farms. What do you think?

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Regenerative Braking - What's new that is old.

Regenerative is a braking system used in hybrids- but it's not new it was in use in trolly cars a century ago.
It takes energy normally wasted during braking and turns it into usable energy by reversing the motor and converting it to a generator during braking and coasting.
Why isn't this the norm in braking systems today?

Friday, June 11, 2010

2% Biofuels Mandate by 2011

I was reading an article in http://www.biofuels-news.com/ about the Canadian Trucking Alliance reaction to a 2% bio-diesel requirement for heavy trucks in 2011. Although some comments are valid, their attitude leaves something to be desired. Demonstrated in this comment made by their president: "The impetus for such a policy is really to create a new market for farmers."

This comment inspired me to take a little look at the efficiency of trucking versus other forms of freight transport. I found some numbers in Wikipedia from the US Transportation Energy book (for 2004) which gave a breakdown as follows:

Class 1 Rail 341 BTU/short ton mile
Domestic water borne 510 BTU/short ton mile
Heavy trucks 3357 BTU/short ton mile
Air freight (approx) 9600 BTU/short ton mile

Here lies the attitude problem - it is a real leap to embrace renewable fuels when conservation and efficiency have not been a priority.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Does Renewable Energy Erode our Assets?

I had a long conversation with a landscape architect friend reviewing her experiences with proposed wind projects. A sticking point to her is that most projects would erode the "visual heritage" of the area proposed and would be in stark contrast to natural areas and cultivated fields.
Consumers love the farm landscape and are willing to pay 10% more for the local experience as a result, according to one study. Does the idea of this beauty include wind turbines and solar panels - not so much is my bet.
What do you think? Will wind turbines and solars farms dampen enthusiam for farmscapes and erode consumer willingness to pay more to buy local?

Friday, June 4, 2010

Renewable Energy & Conservation the Perfect Couple

I firmly believe that conservation & renewable energy go hand in hand - with carbon sequestering on the side you have me (multi-tasking is a weak spot). I guess that is why I find biochar such an intriguing prospect. It is a potential renewable energy source, conserves and recycles nutrients (in some cases for hundreds of years) and has potential to sequester billions of tonnes of carbon annually.

Why haven't I heard of it before? Lots in the news about biofuels and turbines, hmmm.
Is multi-tasking still over-rated?

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

More on biochar...

Here is a link that gives the basic FAQ's on biochar: www.re-char.com/the-basics/biochar/

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I Just Heard about Biochar

Have you heard about biochar. I was catching up in the office last weekend and read an article about biochar. Biochar is charcoal used in the soil to increase crop yields. It also acts to capture and sequester carbon - some believe it's potential to be billions of tonnes annually.

What really caught my interest was it's potential to improve yields and reduce fertilizer requirements. When buried, biochar captures nutrients that are leached through plants and surrounding soil. It then releases the nutrients back for plant use. This process also saves energy through reduced fertilizer consumption. How much savings is under research.

I'm searching for links and will pass them on in future blogs.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

What about conservation?

There's lots of renewable energy coverage these days, but conservation not so much. When is the last time you saw conservation hit the news. I've seen a similar trend in government programming - lots of support and drive towards turbines and solar panels, but very little new in the area of conservation.

I learned very early on from the experts that conservation is job one before producers consider entering the world of renewable energy production - when you think about it, it makes sense, dollars and cents. To cultivate conservation for an energy producer means more net energy going to the grid and more dollars in your pocket.

Are you on the conservation bandwagon?

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Here is a bright idea!

World estimated electrical consumption for lighting is 17.5% of total. It is also estimated that the U.S. uses 20% of this total at a cost of $40 billion annually. The numbers are huge for lighting alone.

Greenhouse operations would clearly benefit from energy efficient lighting. Other less obvious operations like turkey production also benefit. As an energy savings strategy some turkey producers have employed lighting that increases intensity gradually in morning to simulate dawn and vice versa at sunset. This enhances the turkeys environment and they produce more. It also means significant energy savings.

Sounds like two birds with one stone to me and you have to like that.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

High Performance New Construction Program - Apps Close Oct 31

Many producers in Ontario have taken advantage of the High Performance New Construction program...it is worth taking a look if you are building this summer.
Dollars are available to those that are building with energy efficiency and conservation in mind.
Applications are being accepted until October 31, 2010. Find out more through your local Enbridge or Union Gas representative.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I first started writing about renewable energy about four years ago and have heard from numerous experts that conservation first before engaging in renewable energy is an essential policy. To me it is a common sense approach.

Yet 99% of reports on activities related to energy are focused on renewables and it seems government policy points this way as well. Recently applications for support under EcoEnergy, a federal conservation initiative, were unaccepted.

In Ontario the province has purchased thousands of megawatts of renewable power yet there seems to be a gap in programs for conservation.

What do you think, conservation first or fast track to a green energy production emphasis?

Monday, April 12, 2010

Solar Farms - A New Dilemma

There is much discussion in Ontario on solar energy production due to the incentives for energy purchase under the FIT program. If I were a large land owner, perhaps I would consider the business opportunity - or should I? According to some, when it comes to alternative land use we should put photovoltaic (PV) solar collectors on the acres and acres of roof top that exists in urban areas in Ontario first, which makes sense to me conceptually.

On the otherhand, farmers are natually focused on capturing the sun's energy with several that have resources to manage solar energy production as well as crop production enterprises.

Then there is the issue of "visual heritage" or visual assets (as discussed in a previous blog). I literally can't see a view of acres of solar collectors being visually appealing...

It is a complex proposition with many facets - as a start here are some solar energy related resources: Natural Resources Canada: Solar Maps for Canada - www.nrcan-rncan.gc.ca and Clean Air Foundation's Go Solar Website www.gosolarontario.ca and Canadian Solar Industries Association www.cansia.ca and Ontario Power Authority: Feed-In tariff Program www.powerauthority.on.ca/FIT .

On a personal note, I took a short hiatus as I lost a dear friend early last week. It sure took the wind out of my turbine. Today, I am grateful for the sun's energy and power to renew me emotionally. Take care.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Visual Heritage - a different take on wind projects

We were in Collingwood over the weekend taking advantage of the last days of skiing with friends who are both landscape architects. I had a very interesting conversation with one of my friends on wind projects and an aspect I had not considered. The aspect of visual heritage.

Visual heritage is how an area looks traditionally and the related value of that "look". Niagara Falls is an obvious example of the value generated from the look of an area. Rural areas engaged in farming also have value due to the look of the crops growing - people enjoy the view and are attracted because of it.

Considering this - how is this visual asset or heritage affected by wind turbines?

What is your opinion?

Friday, March 26, 2010

Concerns over Wind Turbines in Belwood

I was talking to friend of mine who has a pork finishing operation just outside of Fergus. Her and her husband also hold off-farm jobs, and are very involved and informed members of their community. She asked me what I thought of the proposed wind-turbine project that will be in her neck of the woods. She heard they will be twice as high and spread out farther than the wind turbines at Shelburne, Ontario. She has also felt and heard much concern and anxiety from friends and neighbours. Now she is also concerned.

What do I think...that perception is the most important thing, making community leadership or at the very least community partnership an upfront requirement for a successful project.

What do you think?

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Biodiesel on Farm Cost of Production Template

I came across a cost of production spreadsheet for on-farm biodiesel production that maybe of use. I saw it in action using a 350 acre, 70 cow dairy farm as an example and it lays out potential costs well - giving a very good starting point to investigate potential costs and income for a biodiesel enterprise. The spreadsheets can be accessed through the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) at www.omafra.gov.on.ca/english/engineer/facts/bio_cop.htm

You can select a spreadsheet that matches the feedstock you are interested in using, such as waste oils, mechanically crushed soybean oil or mechanically crushed canola oil.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Community Collaborations in Wind Energy - A Case in Point - Dalhousie Mountain Wind Project

I've been seeing alot of negative press on wind energy of late. As a proponent of renewable energy and the potential opportunities for farmers, this concerns me.

I came across a project that seems to have this all worked out - it is called the Dalhousie Mountain Wind Project located in Pictou County, Nova Scotia. They worked hard to involve the community, NS Power, government and local business to make this a success in short order. I couldn't find a web-site but there is lots of information on Google related to this project if you are interested.

What do you think of wind turbines - would you like one on your farm or in your community?

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

SOBIN - Southwestern Ontario Bioproducts Innovation Network

This is a cool organization - it works closely with the agricultural, chemical and automotive industries in Southwestern Ontario to support development of environmentally friendly, sustainable products that enhance the local economy.

SOBIN are also leading the development of the Centre for Agricultural Renewable Energy and Sustainability (CARES for you acronym lovers) at the Ridgetown campus of the University of Guelph - this is a demonstration centre for on-farm renewable energy technologies.

The amount of activity that is occuring in renewable and sustainable energies and industries can be overwhelming - but also invigorating as agriculture in particular leads the way as a provider of sustainable energy as well as other products that support our lifestyle and the environment.

Do you have an organization that you think is working for future agricultural business opportunities in conservation and renewable energy - please share.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Not again with the fresh eyes...

One thing I hope to accomplish is to bring fresh perspective through my blogs. It is also what I hope to hear from research into renewable energy.

Often what I do hear fits more traditional ways of thinking -which surprised me at first considering renewable energy is an emerging industry. But the reality is that it takes lots of money to fund this research and the organizations that have money are well established and are conducting the research or are a funding partner for research, whatever the case they have considerable influence. The output is often something that supports their current business - which makes perfect sense.

That being said I think that a paradigm shift in R&D is required to develop sustainable solutions that support our society and the environment.

What do you think?

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Conservation Makes Dollars and Sense

This is a message that I repeat often as I think it is very powerful -

The estimated energy consumption by Ontario Farmers in 2008 -

Heat $275,000,000
Power $165,000,000
Total $440,000,000

The experts say that 15% reduction in energy consumption is very doable - and a $66,000,000/year opportunity for Ontario farmers alone! For an energy producer it means savings and more energy to sell.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Growing the Margins - Still time to Register

I am heading to London to attend the 4th Annual Growing the Margins Conference for sustainable energy and a green economy focusing on farmers and food processors. It is next Wednesday and Thursday and includes exhibition and workshops, etc. This is my third year in attendance and I've found the program valuable each year.

This year I'm interested in learning more about:
  • solar installations
  • feed-in-tariff system
  • energy efficiency
  • conservation business opportunities
  • trends and projections
  • project financing

for more information see http://www.gtmconference.ca/

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Is New Thinking Required for Ethanol?

I've had a connection to ethanol for almost twenty years now, starting in the chemical industry when I was managing a solvent portfolio for a large national distributor. Even then I questioned the benefit to farmers. At that time we could not use corn based ethanol for chemical applications as the spec did not match the purity of petroleum based ethanol.

Although that may have changed - I still question whether ethanol is a good potential market for farmers, due to the fact that petroleum producers seem to be leading development. Do they have the motivation to find solutions for sustainable fuels and the environment when much of their business revolves around traditional petroleum production?

What do you think?

Thursday, February 25, 2010

New Opportunity for Renewable Energy Financing for Canadian Farmers

Farm Credit Canada and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada have announced a new financing package for farmers interested in developing renewable energy enterprises on farm starting March 1, 2010.

Loans are available to buy and install on-farm renewable energy systems such as geothermal, biogas, wind or solar power.

I have some questions - 1. Are loans available for feasibility studies? 2. What kind of guarantee is FCC looking for? - i.e. Are loans awarded based on farm balance sheet or future income of the energy enterprise...

Whatever the answers may be this is definitely a positive move forward for lenders and farmers.
What are your questions? For more see www.fcc.ca

Monday, February 22, 2010

Creating a Renewable Energy & Conservation Information Network for Farmers

At the Canadian Farm Business Management Council, we like to find and work with others committed to extending information and ideas that help farmers make successful business decisions around energy. Here is a web-site brought to you by the folks at the Canadian Federation of Agriculture that shares our vision at http://www.farm-energy.ca/
If you know others - please share.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Canadian International Farm Show Toronto

I went to the BIG show today and found that it was big - I guess it has been a few years since I've attended. After I got over the size part I was pleasantly surprised at the quality of exhibitors in energy. Several were offering opportunities to conserve and produce energy together - which makes sense to me. Here are a couple of web-sites from exhibitors that impressed me and seemed to have alot of interest from show attendees - http://www.cleave-energy.com/ and http://www.greenandcleandirect.com/

Stay tuned for more about the big show and feel free to add your two cents...

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Bio-Diesel - It is going to be good some day

I was reading about a bio-diesel plant auction occuring in Tennessee this March. This plant had a good start up in 2008, but due to the U.S. credit crunch and feedstock cost increases, couldn't make a go of it.

Will the Renewable Fuel Standard in the U.S. rectify this? Some think so. This U.S. program is increasing the volume of renewable fuel required to be blended into gasoline to 7.5 billion gallons by 2012.

Do we need a program like this in Canada? Let me know what you think.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Embracing a Conservation Culture

We are embracing a conservation culture at home, work and at our farm but at times it feels as if it is against all odds. Customers still want product to specification no matter what season.
We suppy the floral industry with natural materials like birch poles, and greenery from our farm north of Toronto and we are currently working with a local greenhouse grower to supply a big event. It was hard not to argue with design choices that involve importing product from overseas when great alternatives were available locally and would better reflect the flavour of the event. Yes, the customer or designer may be right and now they also have some new ideas and awareness of what is available locally (no charge).
So my conclusions are that patience is one main ingredient required to embrace this culture as well as the tenacity to spread the conservation gospel. What's your point of view?

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Biodiesel and the Agricultural Sector - Were they made for each other?

I'm skeptical of biodiesel and whether mandating use will boost the agricultural sector and reduce greenhouse gases. I've seen several conflicting reports on the environmental impact especially around oil-seed based fuel production. But what about the economic impact of mandating 2% biodiesel blends - will this help to boost prices and profits for Manitoba's growers? From what I can tell so far, their best shot at the benefits is to own a piece of the processing.

Another benefit is awareness - which can only help. What do you think - help or non-starter?

I found the Canadian Canola Grower's Association to be a good source of information at www.ccga.ca

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

PEI Ripe for Renewable Energy

The governments of Prince Edward Island and Canada have announced an investment of almost $10 million in renewable energy (and hopefully conservation but details are scetchy) under Agri-Flexibility and Canada's Economic Action Plan.

See http://news.gc.ca/web/article/-eng.do?m=index&nid=509409 for more.

What is the potential for conservation and renewable energy for Islanders?

Those in the know - please comment!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Everpure Biodiesel Coop

I have come across the Everpure Biodiesel Coop several times over the past 4 years. They are located in beautiful Hillsburg, Ontario. An Everpure Biodiesel Coop member can purchase biodiesel for a price competitive to regular diesel. They are currently building membership and purchasing, distributing and selling a quality biodiesel to them. Next they want to produce the biodiesel themselves. They are working toward a vision of farmers producing a crop and selling oil from this crop to restaurants and institutions and recovering the used oil to process into biodiesel.

They hope to inspire others to do the same. What do you think, will they make it work in Hillsburg? What about other places?

For more about Everpure Biodiesel Coop see http://www.everpurebiod.ca/

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Biodiesel Reflections

I've started a re-look at bio-diesel. It hasn't been on my radar screen for awhile. Recently I came across an article from the Canadian Renewable Fuels Association. They represent some pretty sizable petro-chemical companies and were very positive on the future of bio-diesel. Although I was looking for the farm perspective on the opportunity I found their attitude almost too optimistic.

What I'd really like to know and share is if biodiesel is a viable business opportunity for farmers to increase profits, diversify, lay off risk or participate in more of the value chain i.e. production and refining of the biodiesel.

What's your experience?

I'm going to do some digging and report back.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

RETScreen Clean Energy Project Analysis Software

RETScreen is provided and maintained by CanmetENERGY, a research centre of Natural Resources Canada. Their objectives focus on providing decision making tools, information transfer and training - all to reduce costs, and facilitate successful decision making for renewable energy and energy efficiency projects. I've heard this tool referenced several times in the last few years. I'm on the look-out to relate actual experience in a future blog. If there is anyone out there willing to spend a few minutes relating their experience please comment.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Average Annual Wind Speed and Wind Energy

Here are some rules of thumb I came across from notes I made at a farm business conference energy workshop.

The amount of power harnessed from a wind turbine depends on the average annual wind speed - needing a relatively consistent wind flow. Wind systems require an average annual wind speed of 15 kilometers/hour to be viable. 25 km/hr is desireable and 29 km/hr is outstanding especially if you intend to sell the power.

The experts recommend that at least a year's weather data be collected before site selection. Have some wind experience to share - please comment.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Awareness of Renewable Energy Among Farmers

In 2007 we conducted a survey at the Canadian International Farm Equipment Show to find out the level of knowledge and renewable enegy activity among farmers. We talked to 88 farmers, the majority being 40 to 50 years old and the majority had "middle of the road" knowledge on renewable energy. What does that mean? Well it means that the majority of the respondents are thinking about the pro's and con's of renewable energy production on their farm. At the two extremes about 10% of the 88 knew nothing and 10% were ready to show a proposal to their financial institution.

Have we progressed i.e. are there more producers entering into renewable energy business opportunities three years later? Let us know by answering our poll - see right

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Solar Power - Hot Prospect & Ontario Farmers are Interested

I don't get out as much now that I have a home office. So when I hear the same topic come up twice from two very different sources - it must be hot. I recently met with a friend at OFA and he told me about the interest that solar energy power generation is getting due to the feed in tariff system under the Green Energy and Green Economy Act - the rate is very positive for solar energy production in particular at $.802/kWh for a ground or rooftop installation up to 10 kW with a 20 year contract!

I found information provided by the Ontario Power Authority easy to scan and get the facts see: http://www.fit.powerauthority.on.ca/

coming soon - another perspective on solar FIT from a potential producer

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Canadian Farm Business Management Council and Renewable Energy

The Canadian Farm Business Management Council are making it possible for me to blog about renewable energy and energy conservation. I'm thankful for that because of the learning, and challenge that it involves and because I have a passion for agriculture. The more I learn about renewable energy and conservation within the agri-food context, the more I see there is to learn.

I know the information, contacts, and resources we have developed can help Canadian Farmers interested in producing or conserving energy. So now we are working on ways to make that information accessible - a FarmEnergyOnline blog is born.

So thanks to the Council for making this possible - to learn more about The Canadian Farm Business Management Council go to www.farmcentre.com

If you have a great resources that you'd like to share please comment.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Growing the Margins 4th Year

There is a conference coming up that is well worth participation if you are serious about energy conservation and efficiency and renewable energy . It is called Growing the Margins. This is the fourth year for this conference held in London, ON and it keeps expanding. I found the seminars to be relevant, interesting, and informative. I met people from several countries and professions relevant to agri-food and energy management. The registration fee is also reasonable and gives value for your money.

Last year the organizers also developed a biogas conference.

See www.gtmconference.ca and www.biogasconference.ca for more information.

The conference starts March 8th and you have until January 30th to take advantage of the early bird registration rates.