Extending information,resources and links on renewable energy and energy conservation for Canadian farmers, agri-business and those who support them in order to enhance their ability to make sound and successful business decisions.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Solar Power for the Rich?

I'm pretty sure the "richest" anything is beyond my means. Richest is how I once heard the green energy act FIT system described in a U.S. publication -more specifically, the "richest incentive" program for green energy of any jurisdiction including Germany.

So OPA's announcement that they are reducing the FIT rate of ground mounted solar energy installations was somewhat comforting. I do feel bad for the 11,000 applicants that are affected by this 27% reduction. So this begs the question - what were they thinking??? I realize they have an objective of taking coal power off-line by 2012 - but at any cost?

What do you think?

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