Extending information,resources and links on renewable energy and energy conservation for Canadian farmers, agri-business and those who support them in order to enhance their ability to make sound and successful business decisions.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Solar Power - Hot Prospect & Ontario Farmers are Interested

I don't get out as much now that I have a home office. So when I hear the same topic come up twice from two very different sources - it must be hot. I recently met with a friend at OFA and he told me about the interest that solar energy power generation is getting due to the feed in tariff system under the Green Energy and Green Economy Act - the rate is very positive for solar energy production in particular at $.802/kWh for a ground or rooftop installation up to 10 kW with a 20 year contract!

I found information provided by the Ontario Power Authority easy to scan and get the facts see: http://www.fit.powerauthority.on.ca/

coming soon - another perspective on solar FIT from a potential producer

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