Extending information,resources and links on renewable energy and energy conservation for Canadian farmers, agri-business and those who support them in order to enhance their ability to make sound and successful business decisions.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Awareness of Renewable Energy Among Farmers

In 2007 we conducted a survey at the Canadian International Farm Equipment Show to find out the level of knowledge and renewable enegy activity among farmers. We talked to 88 farmers, the majority being 40 to 50 years old and the majority had "middle of the road" knowledge on renewable energy. What does that mean? Well it means that the majority of the respondents are thinking about the pro's and con's of renewable energy production on their farm. At the two extremes about 10% of the 88 knew nothing and 10% were ready to show a proposal to their financial institution.

Have we progressed i.e. are there more producers entering into renewable energy business opportunities three years later? Let us know by answering our poll - see right

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