Extending information,resources and links on renewable energy and energy conservation for Canadian farmers, agri-business and those who support them in order to enhance their ability to make sound and successful business decisions.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Biodiesel on Farm Cost of Production Template

I came across a cost of production spreadsheet for on-farm biodiesel production that maybe of use. I saw it in action using a 350 acre, 70 cow dairy farm as an example and it lays out potential costs well - giving a very good starting point to investigate potential costs and income for a biodiesel enterprise. The spreadsheets can be accessed through the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) at www.omafra.gov.on.ca/english/engineer/facts/bio_cop.htm

You can select a spreadsheet that matches the feedstock you are interested in using, such as waste oils, mechanically crushed soybean oil or mechanically crushed canola oil.

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